Project Reflection

Working on this project was more difficult than I thought it was going to be, I was trying to over think it. I felt like I had to organize my self portrait more like you would a paper, but it eventually clicked that I needed to portray these parts of my life as I would over the internet. Then I actually started to have fun, but it still took a while to find different memes, gifs, pictures, videos and quotes that matched me. I decided that I wanted to organize my page around different aspects of my college life, each page is a different part of my college life. I represented the different parts through memes, images, gifs, videos, hash tags, and quotes. This is a large part of how I am being networked, its how people view my image and my language through the internet. I have realized that through this process, networking is a large aspect of my life, but it isn’t necessarily a bad thing, its just how it is. When writing about my education community, I realized how strong my tie is with my classmates, one of the reasons I represented us as superheroes.  I enjoyed the experience of showing my network self portrait because I got more insight into my networked self.

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