Electronic Monument Notes

*EmerAgency– “conceptual umbrella organization created to coordinate and to lend coherence to experiments in adapting arts and letters education to the Internet and to the digital or computing revolution in general” (xii).

– “a distributed, virtual, online consulting agency, meaning that emeragents (or simply egents, to signal that we are concerned with the changes affecting human agency in electracy)  are self-declared consultants without portfolio” (xiii).

– “a deconstruction of conventional consulting, meaning that it appropriates this existing and familiar practice for delivering expert knowledge to sites of need, and transforms it with a different usage” (xiii).

-problems are social constructs

*Witness/countersurveillance – observation alters what is observed, and the observer

– Mediated Witness- “consultant only has mediated access to the problems” (xxix).


*Electracy– “electracy is to the digital image apparatus what literacy is to alphabetic print” (xii).

*Imagined Community–  shared values that bring us together as a community

*(Internet) Civic Sphere– area to discuss societal problems and what to do to fix them

*General Accident– Virilio- an accident that happens everywhere  in the world simultaneously, related to the existence of the Internet (xii).

* MEmorial– a hybrid: as a composite of text and image, it combines features of the topical essay and the vernacular shrines that in recent years have become a common folk response to the disasters that befall a community (xiv).

– pages (117 – 118)

* Dromosphere– acceleration of reality by technology

*Tourism– “The EmerAgency approach is to intervene in tourism at the level of practice…to produce a new kind of tourist destination (destiny) and behavior, around which might form an electrate civic sphere” (4).

– “…analogy for how EmerAgency uses the information superhighway to participate in public problem solving…” (9).

– purpose of EM is to make tourists aware of creative, productive process of their behavior

-“…tourism is a relay, an analogy… for an internet-deconstructed consultancy- in particular that inventive aspect of tourism that produces some of the emblems of our collective identity” (31).

*Theoria– “implied a complex but organic mode of observation- a perpectual system that included asking questions, listening to stories/local myths, feeling, hearing and seeing…” (5).

*Rhizome– relation between plants and animals, insects, the wind, and people in order to propagate (12)

*Popcycle institution– “figures that represent their personalized or internal Rushmore…” (19)

– circulation of memes or ideas through all institutions

-personal databases

*Monuments– visual markers of national identity; variable, heterogeneous

*Chora– crossing of chance and necessity, whose nature may only be discerned indirectly in the names generated by a puncept rather than as a concept…” (39).

– “signifying a space that is sacred in classical Greek- was used by Plato in Timaeus to name the order of genos within which being and becoming could interact” (39).

*Traffic Sphere– “the goal of the traffic sphere is to make highway facilities  perceptible, thinkable, recognizable as sacrifice – to shift from the private sphere of one-at-a-time individual personal loss to the public sphere of collective values” (43).

*Peripheral/Testimonial– “Memorial consists of two parts: peripheral (proposal for an electronic device to be placed at the site of an existing monument associating it with an abject sacrifice) and a testimonial (a Web site representing a mediation on the abject sacrifice) (57).

– page (119)

*Image Reasoning– “it is the experience of a neon sign, a metonym for the city as such, evoking the mood of an urban setting with its nightlife and street atmosphere” (58).

*Trauma– “The combined tasks of the MEmorial are to show how a consultation on a social issue articulated in a news report cohere around the rhetorical sense of trauma” (63).

– “the testimony is already incipiently present in my response to the news event…when the event is remembered- establishing a map positioning me in the pathic field of my world” (63).

*Aura– “Aura is a sign of recognition” (65).

– “…the caption gives it aura, so that it becomes an emblem pointing to something more and different from itself” (65).

*Simulacrum– maps spheres of discursive + social practice, each of which repeats the image differently

*Spectacle– “…names a condition in which actuality and images merge and become indistinguishable, leading, it is argued, to the destruction of civic life and the related benefits and responsibilities of a free, democratic society”  (83).

-“…the spectacle effect is a necessary collective defense mechanism, making it possible to deal with the immense amount of information that a postmodern citizen receives every day” (84).

*Cognitive Mapping– “needed to help citizens grasp their position within a historical field” (90).

*Gaze– “place where viewers experience themselves under scrutiny. The gaze is a mechanism through which the image imposes its meaning and thus creates constitutive effects” (101).

– what is the atmosphere, feeling, mood?

*Optical Unconscious– “the attitude toward truth as standpoint in the image apparatus of electracy is that clarity is an effect of repression, blindness (ATH)” (103).

– “…the vaunted cognitive transparency of the ‘visual as such’ is not an act of consciousness but the effect of what is repressed: the effect, that is, of seriality, repetition, the automaton. Which is to say, it is a function of caesura in vision, a gap.This gap is the “hole” traced by the memorial as a symptom signaling the location of chora- the sorting system of a society. The choral map brings the hole into the speed-of-light peripheral logic (reasoneon)” (104).

*Mystory– “The egents use mystory generate the parts of an emblem- locating the obtuse meaning, the personal sting of the disaster as image – to register the arbitrary and singular body that constitutes, in its obstinacy, the shadow blocking the light of empirical instrumental consulting on public policy issues” (116).

*Emblem- “The emblem is, properly speaking, a mixed form of comprising motto, a picture and an epigram…” (121).

–  page (138)

*Sign – page (125)

*Mourning– “Commemorative consulting supports the public-private circuit of mourning by taking into account the various embodiments of the bar line in the hypercon of the sign…” (130).

*Kindertitenlieder– “A first step of a memorial is to notice an abject loss that the community notices is a problem but that is not accepted as a sacrifice on behalf of a belief or value structuring a group subject” (134).

*Letter shape of Y – produces meanings effects in the collective beyond intent, without understanding, without individual consciousness

– Every question for every person raises the question “why”

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Exercise 5

Popcycle and Mystory

On page 19 of Electronic Monuments, Ulmer states that Mystory is to “map the path of connections that traverse these heterogeneous discourses, to locate the “existential refrain” that brings into alignment or attunement the institutions of family, entertainment, school and discipline (career specialization).” It is through the popcycle that we can connect ideas through multiple institutions. So we need to look at the bigger picture to figure out how these different areas have a common thread/link. This link can be anything, a phrase, photo, quote, image, scene, etc. as long as both institutions share it in some manor. In relation to this, Ulmer uses the example of “Y” in chapter 6. He says that, “these letters produce meaning effects in the collective beyond intent, without understanding, without individual consciousness” (p.151). “Y” is used in many ways, he compares it to a shape of a tree, as well as to the fact that we always ask the question of “why”.  He found a relation of “Y” to two completely different situations, the form of “Y”.

In the popcycle, the family institution is “a set of norms reflecting the preferred choices among all the possibilities available within the ideological identity categories.” While the institution of Career is when “one becomes an expert in a specialized field of knowledge” (p.21).

When looking at my “Career” and “Family” I think about cleanliness. In my job, it is my duty as a manager to make sure that everything by the end of the night gets closed down, locked up and is clean for the next day. I have to make sure that every area is cleaned and every time I miss an area/spot, I will hear about it the next day.

My family hasn’t been the cleanliest, but seeing my mother for so long get frustrated, stressed and tired of being the only one working hard to keep the house clean, her behavior transferred over to me when I started living in a house with my current roommates. They have no desire to clean, so I, like my mother get frustrated, stressed and tired of being the only one who cares about cleaning. I realized how bad it is and make an effort to change, to help my mom now more. I appreciate being cleanly now.

That transferred to my job, I also find cleanliness in my job at a food service very important, just as important as in the home. I get just as frustrated, tired and stressed at work when I do at my house with my roommates as my mom does at home when I am at work and I have to constantly be on all of my workers for standing around when I feel like they should know better and be able to clean themselves without being told all of the time. If they miss an area or don’t do it properly it also adds more stress on me because that means more of my time is dedicated to making sure that area is cleaned so that I don’t get in trouble.

Cleanliness is very important in both areas because they both cause me an extreme amount of stress unless it is done regularly and properly. They both have an effect on my health as well as others, if my house or work is too messy and not cleaned well it could make the customers or my house members as well as guests sick. I realize how large cleanliness is in both aspects of my life.

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Network Witness Cont.

Cyber-bullying is a large social issue that is currently extremely out of control. The conventional view is that cyber-bullying is not that big of a deal, everyone does it. Some may just see it as trolling, however they aren’t realizing the pain they are dealing on the other side of the screen. There are many people trying to argue this conventional view, bring a stop to it by creating anti-cyber-bullying posters/ads and even movies.

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Network Witness Blog Post

So here is my article that I looked at:

This article talks about the guy who is in charge of making Facebook more inaccessible for bullying. He tries to find different ways for people to report incidents of bullying as quickly as possible so that the problem can be solved as quickly as possible before someone gets too hurt. Through reporting, it also helps the bullies see that their comments or photos are hurting someone. A problem that is brought up in the article is that through the internet we are unable to see the emotions that people are feeling from being bullied, however he feels that by having ways to remove comments or pictures it brings back awareness to the fact that feelings are being hurt.

I have always had a huge issue with bullying and cyber-bullying has exploded lately, becoming a main form of bullying. As a future teacher I want to try and work to prevent bullying of all kinds. It bothers me extremely when I see in the news that someone took their life due to bullying because a life is precious and it shows how much words can hurt someone. I want to help promote awareness of bullying and look for ways in which we can prevent bullying.

I want to create a monument where I can make people aware of the harm in bullying, to show the large number of tragedies that come out of bullying.

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So although our group hasn’t quite yet found a case study to look at for inspiration I thought that an example of an online activist group to look at, that although some may not agree with, would be “Anonymous.” Yes, they are a group of “hactivists” or hacker activists, however if we look at some of the techniques/ways in which they are acting as online activists, I think that aspect could help our group focus on ways in which we can gain popularity. First, they were found on the popular site “4chan,” so they used a popular website in order to be their way of being noticed. Second, they use popular or interesting  images to make people interested, like their logo, or the images of the members in the “V for Vendetta” masks. Although some of the hacking, pranks and protests seem a bit on the extreme side some of it is just to get people’s attention to the problems at hand through interesting and maybe somewhat disturbing they get people’s attention.

I think in a way our group needs to be able to get other people’s attention by showing that we are interested in the cause. We need to use interesting images and constantly be updating our site. We might need to even use slightly jarring or disturbing facts, pictures or articles so that more people are interested. Also I think that we need to focus our topic so that it can relate to a broader audience. In order to do this we must look at what are some major issues in education that are hitting closer to home with a lot of people. Our audience also needs to know that their opinions and voices are welcome and a necessity in order for any actions to take place. We also need to narrow our audience and think about what people would really want to be a part of our organization.

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Project Reflection

Working on this project was more difficult than I thought it was going to be, I was trying to over think it. I felt like I had to organize my self portrait more like you would a paper, but it eventually clicked that I needed to portray these parts of my life as I would over the internet. Then I actually started to have fun, but it still took a while to find different memes, gifs, pictures, videos and quotes that matched me. I decided that I wanted to organize my page around different aspects of my college life, each page is a different part of my college life. I represented the different parts through memes, images, gifs, videos, hash tags, and quotes. This is a large part of how I am being networked, its how people view my image and my language through the internet. I have realized that through this process, networking is a large aspect of my life, but it isn’t necessarily a bad thing, its just how it is. When writing about my education community, I realized how strong my tie is with my classmates, one of the reasons I represented us as superheroes.  I enjoyed the experience of showing my network self portrait because I got more insight into my networked self.

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Frozen Grand Central

I believe this is the type of video that the second chapter from Facebook and philosophy part 2 was talking about, it is a really cool thing to watch and see how people reacted. I think I would have been just as weird out, confused and interested in this if I was one of the spectators (not participating in being frozen). I would also find it difficult if I had to freeze for five minutes straight and people were commenting on me, i’d probably start laughing.  It would be cool to get a lot of people and do that on campus, like near the UMC or dorms. 

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Fake ice bucket challenge

So if you haven’t heard yet about the fake ice bucket challenge, then I will give a brief summary of what happened. So about a week ago a 15 year old boy with autism was asked by his fellow peers to take the ice bucket challenge. What he thought was going to be ice poured on him was actually feces and urine. Here is a link to an article talking about it:


This has now appeared all over the news around the world and it makes me sad that he was treated like that. This leads me to think how can the educational system help to prevent something like this from happening again? It is the jobs of the teachers to try to be aware of signs of bullying and try to prevent it before someone gets hurt (physically and emotionally). By learning how to teach students how to interact with each other, no matter their difference (including disability) and treat each other with mutual respect is key to preventing something like this from happening again. 

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Getting started

So lets start up our blog for the topics/issues of the education system. 

What topics I have understood that we have is funding, disabilities, nutrition (?), and segregation I think is what all the ones mentioned, however feel free to correct me if I didn’t hear it correctly. 

We need to think of a way to organize these into one so we can have a mission statement.

Overall I think that this can be a blog to post about the education system, I don’t think it has to be super specific because we have different parts we are looking at.

We also need to figure out a posting schedule. 

Please Reply to this page if you are a part of education group

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